Monday, 7 March 2011

OOFTD: 001

I had to pile up on the tights, Its cold!!

1. So.... This is my first Outfit Of The Day!!! I hope you likey!
I'm really into sleeveless shirts at the mo, although this one is vintage I hope to go down to topshop to get some plain ones!
oh, and the shorts were originally jeans but I cut them into shorts :)
2. I've been really stressed recently, with all the REVISION i've been doing, but it will all be worth it in the end!
3. Sorry but I just have to express my love for H&M that store is WONDERFUL! The prices are great and so is the fashion.
4. I have a college interview on Thursday, all will go well i hope, I just have to decide what to wear, I will update you on that for sure


BECKY MAY said...

Cute blog!

The Flower Girl

Melody.A said...


Kenziefaith said...

Cuuuute outfit! I love it!!

KF x

Melody.A said...

Thank You!